Sunday, September 13, 2009

The story so far ...

I sing in a women's barbershop chorus called Circular Keys Chorus, based in Sydney, Australia. In June 2009 we were invited to represent Region 34 (Australia) at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Nashville Tennessee in October 2010. This is because Melbourne Chorus, who placed first at our Regional Competition in Hobart in 2008, decided not to compete, and we were the chorus who came second.

When it was put to members, the majority wanted to go to Nashville, even though it was a big commitment of time and money for each of us. For the past twelve months we've been working hard, both on our performance (with several weekend workshops with international coaches), and on raising money to get there.

We also had an invitation from River Blenders chorus in St Louis, Missouri to visit them and perform on their show the Saturday before Convention.

And I took up an invitation from members of Waikato Rivertones chorus in New Zealand, who are also competing in Nashville, to join their 'Kiwi Express' tour after Convention. The tour is covering Tennessee, Virginia, Washington DC, New Jersey, New York City, Massachussetts, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky - all in 14 days!

So now it's only 30 'sleeps' until I fly out, along with most of the rest of Circular Keys Chorus, and assorted family and friends. I enjoyed keeping a blog when I went to International Convention in Hawaii last year, and aim to do it again this time. I'm taking along my Asus EEE netbook and my camera.

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